Kena Steam free key download code

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Steam Redeem Code

Bridge of Spirits stars a young girl who uses her magical abilities to help the deceased pass on to the spirit world. Her journey will be full of danger, but she’ll have friends by her side to help her get through it. Kena is the primary character, and she lives in a world that appears to be similar to ours – with one exception.

Kena Steam free key download code

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Steam Unlock Key


How to get Kena code free

Launch Steam and login into your account.
From the top navigation bar, select “Games” and “Activate a Product on Steam.
Enter Kena key here and go through the wizard.
Go to your Steam game library, highlight the game, and click install.

Kena: Bridge of Spirits Steam free download code

Predominantly combat-based, player’s will be able to utilize Kena’s staff to perform charged, heavy, and light skill attacks. With upgradeable skills such as a magical bow and defense abilities, players will be able to improve throughout the game’s story. The souls of individuals who died without settling all of their business before death are unable to rest in peace. They are stuck in a state of limbo on Earth. Players assume the role of Kena, a lovely heroine whose mission is to restore equilibrium to an ancient village amid a once-thriving environment. The title character is a youthful spirit guide who discovers a mystery story about the village’s demise during the course of the quest. The player will disarm opponents, acquire new skills, find secrets, and restore the beauty of the world with her staff and the help of little allies called as Rot. The wooden creatures that come to attack you generally don’t take much to destroy, but Ember Lab mixes it up with different enemy types that keep you on your toes.

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